📝Edit Vehicle Details

To Edit Vehicle Details, Click on "3 Dots" of any Vehicle from the List.

Information About Fields (Editable) :

  • Select Vehicle Make : Vehicle Manufacturing Company Name

  • Select Vehicle Color : Color of Vehicle

  • Select Vehicle Model : Vehicle Model Name

  • Vehicle Number : Vehicle Number Plate

  • Select Vehicle Type : Type of Vehicle (Sedan/SUV/Hatchback etc.)

  • Select Vehicle Franchisee : Franchisee Name Under which Vehicle will be Working

  • Vehicle Engine Type : Petrol/Diesel

  • Average(km/gallon) : Average kilometers the is vehicle going to run per gallon of fuel

  • Initial Mileage(km) : Mileage at the Time of Adding Vehicle in the System


Edit Images

To Edit Vehicle Image and its Related Documents Like RC Book, Permit, Insurance Etc.

To Upload Images & Docs

  • Click on Image Icon at the Top Right Corner of the Screen to Open "Edit Images".

  • Select Image(s) from Phone Gallery for the Related Fields.

  • Navigate to Bottom of the Screen and Click on "Edit" Button to Save.

Information About Fields (Image Upload [jpg/jpeg]) :

Vehicle Image : Vehicle Photo

RC Book : An official document issued by the Gov. of India, which certifies your vehicle is legally registered with the RTO

Permit : Certificate which allows vehicle to travel from one place to another

Vehicle Fitness : A document that certifies that the vehicle is fit in every aspect to ply on roads.

Insurance : Insurance of Added Vehicle

Other Image : Any Other Document Image which you want to Add.

Last updated